BCE will be accepting nominations beginning September 1, 2021 and close nominations on November 1st, 2021
Nominations submitted after November 1 will not be considered
*Self-Nominations are not accepted nor eligible to receive a Best Christmas Ever
Our mission at BCE is to lift up families who have fallen on hard times, through no fault of their own by giving them the Best Christmas Ever
Nominations must be submitted within the submission window determined by Best Christmas Ever to be considered eligible
Best Christmas Ever only accepts nominations that are submitted through the Best Christmas Ever Nomination Form
All information provided in the Nomination Form must be true, complete and accurate for both the nominated family and the person(s) submitting the Nomination Form
The family nominated must have physical custody of at least one (1) school-aged child living within the household to qualify as an eligible BCE family recipient
To be considered an eligible nomination and be a qualified nominator, the person(s) submitting the nomination cannot live within the household [currently and/or have future plans to live within the family household] of the family being nominated
Best Christmas Ever does not accept self-nominations: Nomination Forms will not be accepted if the person(s) submitting the Nomination Form is also the recipient or the beneficiary of BCE in any tangible way
Person(s) who is considering or have submitted a Nomination Form must agree to a Confidentiality Disclosure Agreement: Family nominated by person(s) must have no knowledge that they may be considered or have been accepted as a BCE family recipient - All information must remain undisclosed to the BCE family recipient regarding the entire BCE nomination process (Information includes: any prior knowledge directly communicated to the family of nomination submission, any information provided in nomination submission, knowledge of inclusion in BCE nominations, or any prior knowledge that they will be a BCE recipient)
Person(s) submitting nomination must agree to further communication & exchange of information with BCE Representative(s) immediately following the close of the Best Christmas Ever submission window - If person(s) is unable to further communication/exchange information regarding the family nominated, the family nomination may be disqualified
details to consider
All nomination submissions must be submitted within the submission window
All submissions will be carefully considered for the current year only
Please be as descriptive as possible
Due to the number of nominations, not every family will be chosen
Nominators will work closely with their Captains
Nominators MUST be available for questions and assistance for BCE Captains to successfully provide the Best Christmas Ever (BCE)
If your family is chosen, your first task will be to secretly formulate a gift ideas list for the nominated family
Nominators will be contacted directly if their nominated family is chosen