What is the best way to get started sharing the BCE story with my network? | ||
Check the documents section for the "Database Network Letter" that you can share. | Captain, Donations | |
Do we HAVE to grant the nominator's wish? | ||
Do what is best for the family. | Life Changing Gift, Nominator | |
Is there a cash receipt to use for people who want it? | ||
If you enter their donation on Kindful with their email address, they will get emailed a receipt. | Kindful, Donations, Receipts | |
How long does it take to be reimbursed? | ||
Typically 7-10 business days. Access the link here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdmgNBGT04Iuq-26shzjs31jXPf_if7lLKFTTxPbXUhYl6k5Q/viewform. Only BCE Captains & team members will be reimbursed. Families are not eligible for cash reimbursements. Captains will not be reimbursed until the BCE Closeout form is completed, including the Gift Tracker. | Reimbursement | |
Can Kindful donations be anonymous? | ||
Yes, they are anonymous by default. If they want their name to be displayed, they have to check a box. | Kindful, Donations | |
How long can Kindful pages be open for donations? | ||
Anything donated after January 15th will be applied to the following year's kindful account. | Kindful, Donations | |
What is the latest date a cash donation can be made? | ||
Wrapping Party date | Donations | |
My nominator doesn't live in the same area as my family; what do I do for the Drop? | ||
If the nominator cannot make the Drop, you can have them read their nomination through speaker phone or read it on their behalf. If possible, have them on Facetime. | Drop, Nominator | |
Can the Drop happen somewhere other than the family's home? | ||
Yes. | Drop | |
How do I get into my personal Kindful account to enter a pledge? | ||
Ensure you're not on the public page, then click on the drop down menu (3 horizontal bars) and select "Enter Pledge" Be sure to include the email address of the donor (this is not your email address) | Kindful, Donations | |
What paperwork do I need to give to a business if they plan on donating a large monetary lump sum? | ||
If they donate via Kindful, they will receive their donation letter immediately. If they donate via check, they won't receive their donation letter until the last week of January. | Kindful, Donations, Business Partner | |
What do I do with money I raised at an event? | ||
You can enter it as a pledge on Kindful, and mail a check to BCE PO Box 439. Cloquet, MN 55720. Include your name in the envelope and make a note that you already entered it as a pledge. All cash must be turned into a Cashiers Check or money order. | Kindful, Donations | |
Can a name on a Kindful donation be changed after it has been processed? | ||
Yes. Please contact BCE staff to help. | Kindful, Donations | |
How do I set up a QR code for my Kindful page? | ||
Use your Kindful link and run it through a QR code generator (easily found by Googling "QR Code Generator"). | Kindful | |
Can you put a donation jar at the counter of a business? | ||
No, instead of a donation jar, you can put up a QR code to your Kindful page. | Donations, Business Partner | |
What information about BCE do you give to businesses to post? | ||
Share your Gift Tree Poster | Publicity, Business Partner | |
Can we accept used items (clothes, books, toys)? | ||
No | Gifts | |
Can we submit more than one reimbursement form? | ||
Yes, but ideally you only submit a single reimbursement form with all of your expenses on it. Reminder that reimbursements will not go out until the entire BCE Closeout is completed, this includes the gift tracker. All receipts must be included with reimbursement form. Link to submit: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf2lUYMkBupLzjAbeqYMo25tl4wdOGwKyvyO_ZyfVWKd-Vr8g/viewform | Reimbursement | |
How can I ensure that the Kindful money goes to the designated Life Changing Gift(s)? | ||
BCE directly pays for the Life Changing Gift(s). For example, if the Life Changing Gift is a rent/mortgage payment, you would need to send a copy of their statement/invoice directly to BCE. The funds are NOT disbursed directly to the family. | Kindful, Life Changing Gift | |
Are Captains supposed to provide trees and decorations for our business partners? | ||
It is up to the BCE Captain & their business partner to decide who will be providing the tree and its decorations. We highly encourage using Amazon Gift Lists. | Publicity, Business Partner | |
Should an estimated price of the gift be included on the gift tree tags? | ||
No. | Gift Tree | |
Is the $5000 used to purchase the Life Changing Gift or is it $5000 + Gifts + Life Changing Gift? | ||
The $5000 is used to purchase the Life Changing Gift. | Life Changing Gift | |
For the life-changing gift, what is and is not covered? | ||
BCE suggests paying on what is best for the family. Suggestions would be Rent/Mortgage, Medical Bills, Utility bills, Car Payments, Credit Card Payments or Travel. BCE will not support Construction projets, Cable and Cell Phone bills and any Court related fees. BCE does not pay cash directly to the families. | Life Changing Gift | |
My employer does a company match on non-profit donations. Does their match money go to the Kindful account? | ||
This may vary depending on your company. Typically the company will send the matched funds directly to BCE. | Kindful, Employer Match | |
How are checks handled? | ||
The donor should write the check out to Best Christmas Ever. It should be mailed to BCE PO Box 439. Cloquet, MN 55720 by the Captain. Have the donor include their email address (so BCE can email them a donation slip). Make sure to include the Captain's name or Team name. Captains can manually input the donation into their Kindful account, by entering a Pledge. | Kindful, Donations, Pledge | |
What do I do with Cash? | ||
All cash needs to be turned into a Cashiers Check or money order. The check should be made out to Best Christmas Ever. It should be mailed to BCE PO Box 439. Cloquet, MN 55720 by the Captain. Have the donor include their email address (so BCE can email them a donation slip). Make sure to include the Captain's name or Team name. Captains can manually input the donation into their Kindful account, by entering a Pledge. Make sure the pledge is entered in the donors name with the donors email address. | Kindful, Donations, Pledge | |
Can nominations/families be saved or reserved for a Captain? | ||
No, families cannot be reserved for a specific Captain. Captains cannot select a family they nominated. | Nomination | |
Can I do an electronic/online gift list? | ||
Yes. Wishlists on Amazon are a good resource in addition to the physical gift tree tags. | Gift Tree | |
Can I have more than one gift tree? | ||
No, we suggest only 1 tree location. | Gift Tree | |
Can I have more than one business partner/sponsor? | ||
We recommend only 1 business partner/sponsor for simplicity. Having mulitple business partners/sponsors can be overwhelming for Captains to keep track of. | Business Partner |
Gift Tree
Life Changing Gift
Business Partner
Employer Match