closing out your bce
What you need to know after the drop (video)
Watch this video for all the details on how to closeout your BCE drop!
Family Payment FOrm
This form is for your BCE Family to use. They must know the Family ID to submit this form. This is where they will submit 1-3 MAX statements to pay on.
Captain Reimbursement Form
You must use this form to submit reimbursement and you MUST include receipts.
This is where you submit your Captain Reimbursement Form for purchases made (please use the Captain Reimbursement Form (above) and you MUST submit the receipts), or seeking a prepaid Visa Gift Card or Amazon gift list purchase using Kindful Funds. You must have the funds in your Kindful account to cover the amount you are requesting)
media release form (family to sign)
Please print this and bring to your drop for your family to sign. Without getting the family to sign this form, we cannot post videos/photos that you may have captured during your drop.
media submission to bce
This is where you can submit your top photos & videos and media release form.
The Gift Tracker is used to track gift donations. This is a REQUIRED form for ALL Captains and must be electronically submitted to BCE at the close of the season. BCE uses information from the gift trackers to submit to the IRS in order to maintain 501(c)(3) nonprofit status.
The Gift Tracker is used to track gift donations. This is a REQUIRED form for ALL Captains and must be electronically submitted to BCE at the close of the season. BCE uses information from the gift trackers to submit to the IRS in order to maintain 501(c)(3) nonprofit status.
Gift tracker form submission
The Gift Tracker must be completed for each BCE Family. This is for tracking all gift donations and is needed for BCE to remain a 501c3.
Captain year end survey
Please fill out this survey and tell us about your experience as a Captain!