choosing your bce family/working with nominator
Preview Family Nominations here!
For the First time ever, we are opening up nominations for Teams to preview. Search by City, State, Zip Code or Key words. Click on the link and view family nominations. New nominations will be added weekly. Remember this is a Secret! PW: Preview2022
Call to the Nominator SCript
This is a script for Captains to use when calling the nominator and letting them know the family they nominated in was selected.
Wrapping Party SCript
The wrapping party script is a guide for Captains to use at your wrapping party to ensure you haven’t missed any key information to share with those in attendance.
Wrapping party date, time, location
Enter your wrapping party information here!
Who knows, a BCE employee/board member may show up!
Drop date, time, location
Enter your drop date information here! Who knows, a BCE employee/board member may show up!
Captain Reimbursement Form
You must use this form to submit reimbursement and you MUST include receipts.
This is where you submit your Captain Reimbursement Form for purchases made (please use the Captain Reimbursement Form (above) and you MUST submit the receipts), or seeking a prepaid Visa Gift Card or Amazon gift list purchase using Kindful Funds. You must have the funds in your Kindful account to cover the amount you are requesting)
The Gift Tracker is used to track gift donations. This is a REQUIRED form for ALL Captains and must be electronically submitted to BCE at the close of the season. BCE uses information from the gift trackers to submit to the IRS in order to maintain 501(c)(3) nonprofit status.
*Make a copy of this google sheet to edit. DO NOT request access to use.
Gift Tracker (excel sheet)
The Gift Tracker is used to track gift donations. This is a REQUIRED form for ALL Captains and must be electronically submitted to BCE at the close of the season. BCE uses information from the gift trackers to submit to the IRS in order to maintain 501(c)(3) nonprofit status.
gift tracker form submission
The Gift Tracker must be completed for each BCE Family. This is for tracking all gift donations and is needed for BCE to remain a 501c3.